Saturday, April 07, 2007

You Say It's Your Birthday . . .

It's my birthday too, yeah...

Happy birthday to me!

Being the organizing dork that I am, as a birthday gift to myself I had two incredible friends come over this morning and they did a Clean Sweep of the kids' playroom/my pantry. The room looks incredible now. After we had pulled everything out of the pantry/closet where everything went when I couldn't figure out where else it should go, I got to the point where I was so totally overwhelmed I wanted to shove it all back in and forget about it. That's when good friends come in handy. They kept shoving things at me to make me sort, focusing me on one thing at a time. And any time I started vascillating on whether or not I should keep something, like the bookends I was given when the boys were born (FIVE YEARS AGO!) with B's name mispelled that I had always meant to return to the store and have them fix, they said my name sternly and MADE me get rid of it.

I have good friends.


Domestic Goddess said...

I am glad you got it done. I am sorry I could not be there. Would you believe I have now lost my voice and am supposed to sing at Easter Mass tomorrow? Ain't gonna happen.
Anywho, hope you have an AWESOME birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday!