Thursday, February 08, 2007

So it begins . . .

Just before it was time to go up for her nap, J kept coming in to me as I finshed eating my lunch with two fingers raised. "Two more minutes, Mommy," she announced, returning every two minutes or so to repeat her proclamation. Since she was playing quietly in the other room, I didn't think too much of it as I finished my McDonald's Asian salad (LOVE them!) in relative peace. When I went to throw my trash away, I poked my head into the playroom and tried to make her smile. J smiled and then said, "No, Mommy, go away." Okay. Whatever. I'd like to say I got suspicious then, just knowing that something was up. But, I didn't.

When I went into the playroom to bring J upstairs, I noticed that she was chewing. "What are you eating?" I quickly asked her, and she matter-of-factly replied, "Chocolate." Of course. What else would she be eating now? I looked at the playroom floor and realized the true reason J hadn't wanted me to come in. She had stolen an entire box of chocolates that I had left too close to the counter's edge and was systematically going through every gold wrapped piece, leaving a pile of foil in their place. She knew she shouldn't do it, so she was hiding it from me.

Lovely. She is still two and she has learned to hide from when she wants to do something she shouldn't. I don't think either of the boys has really learned that one yet. I'm just so proud.


Anonymous said...

OH NO!!!!! Wow, I bet her tummy wont be feeling to great! Watch for a headache (seriously).

Anonymous said...

OH NO!!!! Welcome to the 2 years!! The little stinker (and You know I say that with love - mine sneak it in the morning before I get up).

Domestic Goddess said...

AAhhh, the fine art of manipulation. She is learning it early. Lucky You!

Happy said...

Hmm, you know we have a dog, and it's amazing when I hear stories like that...such similarities, LOL. BUT, she has discovered the WONDER of chocolate and the art of being sneaky.

Anonymous said...

she ate the whole box? wow, impressive.