Wednesday, October 04, 2006


You'd think I'd have learned after going off Effexor cold turkey. You'd think I'd remember how nasty it was. You'd think I'd have picked a better time of the month to go off yet another anti-depressant cold turkey.

You'd be wrong.

For the record, while Celexa withdrawal is not as bad as Effexor, it's still not great. And I just looked it up on-line - it takes about 30 days to get out of your system. Great. 30 days feeling like this. I'm just thrilled.


Chaotic Mom said...

Hey, please call me if you need anything. Seriously. I am here during the days, don't usually have anything to do but clean the house and take online courses.

Anonymous said...

Uh --- yeah -- and Zoloft is no better....

I was a TOTAL basketcase...

Domestic Goddess said...

See, I was lucky. I had a horrible bacterial infection in my bowels and couldn't take the meds. SO when the mood swings and such were supposed to happen I was puking. It was easy!

Anonymous said...

Tell me again why you're going off the antidepressant? Did it help at all? Or no? Will you try another one, or just leave yourself open to the possibility of becoming depressed again?

Lucy T said...

Yea, tell me again too?? Why are you going off it? Have any of the situations that lead you to take it changed? I know when I was having difficulty dealing with cycle related depression, frustration (read crying, screaming at family - LOL), my doc suggested I give it a go for a plan of two years. He suggested this because it would take that long for some of the stressors to resolve themselves (raising a baby,construction, etc). He was so right. On target, two years after starting, I was ready to stop. I had sort of been preparing mentally to the time I could stop. I am glad he had suggested doing it this way.
Are you sure your approach of starting and stopping isn't too random to fit your situation?