Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Time to watch my weight

Yes, I joined Weight Watchers today. And yes, my weight has gone up from what it was before again. I need to get my eating under control - it's driving me crazy! I've never actually tried belonging to WW and going to the meetings. I had done it six years ago (before I got pregnant with the boys) but did it with my mom and she never wanted to stay for the meetings. We usually weighed in and then went to brunch. Not the healthiest way to approach losing weight. But now I'm serious. I can't stick to anything and my weight keeps going up.

I didn't have enough time to read over everything today, so will get a fresh start tomorrow. I know that sounds like an excuse, but it really isn't. So...tomorrow is the first day for me!

1 comment:

Lauren D. McKinney said...

Go Rachel!!! You can do it. Weight Watchers will change your habits for a really long time if you let it.