Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Good news!

Okay, still feel like crap, but had to report:
I got a call early this morning that the IU had a cancellation and could do A's eval TOMORROW!!! I'm still working out coverage for the other kids, but think I can make it work. Woohoo!

Now I'm going to try to take a nap. Let's see if the kids cooperate.


Still feel like crap.
My ear hurts.
I better hear the doctor say that the ear is REALLY infected, or provide some other reasonable diagnosis more than just a cold. I want to know that this pain is being caused by something.
And if it is an ear infection, like I suspect, I want to know why it is that I have gotten four ear infections one after the other!

DN-A and DN-J are here - my brother-in-law's car just pulled up. My guys have eaten breakfast, B has had his two neb treatments, still have to get J to have hers. I went to bed early but still am so tired. And J just dumped out the legos. Another fun day.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


How sad is it that I just discovered I wrote another post with the same title some time before?

I started a cold yesterday (a little bit) but it hit me full force today. And wow, do I feel like crap. I have rested a lot today, so that's good, but it has been getting progressively worse. I even (just to show how bad it is) cancelled my plans to go out tonight with MOMS Club friends AND called the doctor (they'll see me first thing in the morning). I rarely do that so soon into an illness, figuring that it will get better with time, but now my ears are killing me, my glands are swollen, my neck even hurts. The kids are in bed, DH just went out for some decongestant with Tylenol in it for me, and then I'm turning in for the night.

So glad this happened today instead of yesterday, though. We had a fabulous BBQ yesterday afternoon! Family and some FLYlady friends and their kids. We had both baby pools set up and the kids were splashing all over until they figured out that pouring water into the diggin corner of the yard made a huge mud puddle. I swear, these kids looked like they were mud wrestling! I ended up pouring the ice out of one of the bevarage tubs and bathing my kids, one at a time, in it at the end of the party. That was a picture unto itself, though I didn't have my camera. And one of the best parts of hosting a party is the jobs I get done around the house while preparing. Woohoo!!! Cleared up a lot of visible clutter by actually dealing with it, not just packing it up to deal with later. Looks great (and feels pretty good too).

Okay, I feel like crap. I'm heading to bed. Good night.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Week in Review

I know - very unusual for me not to update at least ONCE a day. :)
I'm back.

Let's see, I guess I'll start with a review of my week:

Saturday - Took the kids for haircuts and then out to lunch by myself (yes, I was feeling quite brave, and they did great!). Then we left the kids with a babysitter and went to see RENT for the fourth time - woohoo!!!

Sunday - Tried to meet my sister for lunch for some sister time. Thought we could browse at Target together and then grab a bite. Didn't quite work out - she had to bring DN-J with her to nurse (no problem) but also brought her sister-in-law along, who I like a lot, but made it tough to have any quality time together. Plus DS was in a big time constaint and wanted to be quite productive, so kept running off to get her stuff and we met up again. When it finally came time to go eat, she ended it up with only about half an hour max that she could eat, so a restaurant five minutes away was too far since it was in the opposite direction. I made the wise choice to reschedule our lunch and will make sure I'm clear about it being just the two of us.

Monday - And this is why I have to update every day and why I need this blog to remember what I do: I have no memory of my own! I honestly cannot really remember what I did on Monday! Go read my blog entry for that day. I'll have to do the same.

Tuesday - Went to a playdate at a friend's house and developed a severe case of house envy. Went to a fabulous Mothers and More meeting that night on Autism Spectrum Disorder - very informative.

Wednesday - Became a "single married parent" for the rest of the week with DH working until 12 or so. Went to the gym, ended the class early to grab a shower, and then met friends at a park. This was the first time I tried squeezing something else in when I go to the gym in the morning. My 19 year old nephew began painting my woodwork downstairs - very nice!

Thursday - Took kids to a special storytime at a nearby library that I've heard incredible things about. I tried going once before and actually was turned away because even though we were there 15 minutes before it started, they were already at capacity! This time we got there 35 minutes before it started and joined other moms in front of the library before they opened. I was incredibly disappointed to find out that it was a different librarian leading the storytime who was not very good. I'll have to try it once again another time. After storytime we went to the IU to demand a Permission to Evaluate form for A. Once signed, the IU had 60 days to complete their evaluation and meet with me about it. They had told me they couldn't send me a form until July at the earliest. I learned at the meeting on Tuesday that it is within my rights to go in person and demand one! The person I needed to see wouldn't be in the office until Wednesday, but will put the form in the mail that day. Yes! I hosted a pizza playdate in the backyard for Mothers and More. Nice to have evening company since DH didn't get home until around 2!

Friday - Last day of the Shabbat program I lead on Fridays - we had ice cream sundaes in honor of Shavuous (it's traditional to have dairy, so I thought this fit!). DH came home for half an hour to see the kids before having to get back to school. My nephew finished painting the woodwork in the living room, dining room, kitchen, stairwell, and upstairs hallway, plus the front door and coat closet door. Looks great - there's nothing like a fresh coat of paint!

So far today I met up with some of my FLYlady friends for breakfast and conversation, then joined my sister at my mom's to finally give her our Mother's Day present (yard work). Last time we tried my mom just wasn't up to it. We were able to clear out a big area of large weeds and branches and weed her back bed. Plus DH and I individually went to the bank to sign papers to change the rate for our Home Equity Line of credit to a fixed, cheaper rate. Always nice to save money.

And I'm off!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A good day

Today is a good day.

I went to a meeting last night for Mothers and More. There was a speaker who talked about Autism Spectrum Disorder. VERY informative. Really important things that I came away with:
* Even though the IU told me that the earliest they would send me the Permission to evaluate form for me to sign (which starts the ball rolling because then they have 60 days to do the eval and meet with me about it) is July, a mom told me last night that if I just go to the school and just show up and ask for the form, they have to give it to me. That's really good to know!

* All of the developmental pediatricians are VERY innundated with new patients to evaluate (as is the IU). If I call every week, I will be added to a special list (probably of annoying moms who will keep pestering the doctor until they are finally given an appointment) and will be notified of cancelations.

So depending on if DN-J EVER goes down for a nap (she woke up and ate at 5 this morning, so that has kind of thrown off her whole routine), we might head out to the IU this afternoon. If that doesn't work (she just had a whole bottle and is now standing in her "new" exasaucer talking to me, not looking the least bit tired) we'll go tomorrow morning. Very excited about this new info.

I contacted a real estate agent that we worked with when buying this house about the possiblity of moving. She is going to come out next week to appraise the house (or at least look around and give us an idea of how much we should get for it) and has already sent me some info about houses in the area I was interested in. This actually looks like it might happen! My dad was out this afternoon and he was encouraging me to compare how much more it would cost overall to move compared to just expanding this house as most of the people on the street have done. I get what he's saying, but the idea of living through big construction compared to moving into a house that currently has what I want .... doesn't really compare! I actually kind of like the idea of going through all our stuff, getting rid of as much as possible, and having a fresh start at a bigger place. Kind of like the ultimate "Clean Sweep!" And no, that's not the reason I'm interested in doing this, but it is an added bonus. In any case, with the idea the real estate agent is coming out Wednesday, there are many superficial things I'd like to do to get the house more in order, like cleaning up the garden in front for more "curb appeal." My step-nephew is home from college and is going to be painting with one of those college painting businesses. He doesn't start until Monday, so I hired him to paint all the woodwork and doors downstairs. If there's time, maybe the walls as well. I had lots of colorful ideas for the house, but now I'm thinking we should do neutral stuff to make it more marketable. Hmmm....

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

House Envy, again

I know I should be happy with what I have. I have a great house which has lots of fabulous features. I have incredible neighbors. And I live in a terrific neighborhood.


I went to a playgroup today one town over. We played in her huge finished basement. She had an entranceway, a great open kitchen that goes right into a family room, a powder room, lots of things I would LOVE to have in a house. And I left feeling totally envious. Maybe that's not really the appropriate word. It's not at all like I felt that it wasn't fair she had such a nicer house than me. I'm glad they have that. It's that I couldn't help thinking what WE could do with a house that size.

I came home, pulled up the Century 21 website, and found lots of houses in that town that I THINK we could afford - and they have these same features. Finished basement is high on my list, as is an open kitchen, at least 1 1/2 baths, a nice size backyard (fenced in already would be a plus), at least 3 bedrooms, a family room - I can see us living in a place like this. So...after DH said he was fine with us looking, I contacted the agent we used when we bought this place and left a message. I figure it can't hurt to at least get a sense for what's out there and what we could afford. And wouldn't it be fabulous to find out that we could make a move like that without breaking the bank?!

So now I'm waiting for a call back, and can't wait to get the ball moving. I know that nothing might come of all this, but the possibilities are so exciting!

I'm a dork.

I freely admit it. I'm a total dork with my FLYlady stuff, and I just love the end result of organizing stuff around my house.

But I think my crowning moment was just now, while waiting for J to finish peeing ("I not done yet."), I stood in front of my linen closet, freshly cleaned out and organized with the bright blue and green baskets I just bought at Target for all our toiletries and medicines, nice wicker ones for our extra toilet paper and hand towels and washclothes, for a good five minuetes, just admiring how nice it looks.

I'm a dork. And I'm proud of it!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Just got in

I'm kinda cheating. I just typed this all up on my local FLYlady message board (my support group made up of the most caring, incredible women that I feel honored to call my friends, and who have threatened to boycott my blog if I don't check in with them every once in a while), but I'm tired and don't feel like writing it up again. I just wanted to record this fabulous day:

We just got back from seeing Rent. This was actually our fourth time seeing the live production. It seemed to need a little bit of time to get going, but once it did it left me breathless. As always when I see this show, it was all I could to stay in my seat during some of the numbers. It was really incredible, but it's always interesting when you know a show really, really well to see the professionals make mistakes. There weren't many, and they weren't always obvious, but they were there! In any case, it was an amazing evening.

And this morning/afternoon I managed to take all three of my children to get their hair cut (they look so cute) even though both boys had to REALLY be coerced into it (finally had to physically pick A up from the floor and carry him over, ease him into getting the cape on, and pull his hands down from his ears, but he finally did okay, even better than B, once he was over that initial terror). Afterwards, I managed to take all three kids into the Mexican restaurant (an actual sit down place, even though you order at the counter) right there and eat a meal together. We did have to all go to the potty three times (AAARGH!!), but they sat for the meal and ate (well, A wouldn't eat more than a bite of his cheese quesadilla, even though he said it was good), and we even were able to wander into Bath and Bodyworks because it just smelled so good (or, as A told them all, "It's the sweetest smell I've ever smelled."). I could not believe that I did all of that as the only adult with all three of them. I realized that it comes down to the fact that even though 3 used to seem SO many to me, now that I normally have five with me everywhere, three doesn't seem so bad. Hmmmm...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Lazy Saturday

Oh, boy, it's 10:30 and we're all still lounging in our pjs! It's nice to have a lazy day once in a while, but it's starting to get a little ridiculous here! :) DH is working all day, but I don't really mind because we have a babysitter coming at 6 so we can go to see RENT!!!! I'm so psyched it's not even funny.

In any case, gotta get our butts in gear. The kids are watching Diego (love that Nick Jr. is on regular tv on Saturday) - I'm going to grab a quick shower and dress, get them dressed, and we're out of here! I'm sucking it up and taking all three to Kids Cuts to get their hair cut. I have been doing it myself, but it takes so LONG when I do it. I want the boys' hair cut short, as short as they can without using the clippers which freak the both of them out too much to make it worth it. With J, I'm loving putting her hair in pigtails (girls are so fun!), so I just want hers to get trimmed. I think I might even splurge on McDonald's for lunch - just found out my absolute favorite Asian chicken salad is only six points. Not bad! I thought it would be much higher. That's probably all we'll have time for since we've been wasting all this time this morning, but that's okay. If it stays sunny, we'll do some gardening this afternoon. And that's the plan!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday's Week in Review

Saturday - The plan was to spend the morning at my mom's with my sister doing yard work, but my mom still wasn't up to it. So instead we came over and I made all of us French toast. We decided since I have to work every Mother's Day that this was our new tradition - brunch on the Saturday of Mother's Day Weekend (yes, it's now a whole weekend in my mind). I know it's taking "Erev Mother's Day" a little far (thank you, Kvetch Blog, for giving me this idea), but I'm okay with that! That afternoon we went to Rick's Sheds and ordered the shed and pirate ship - yay! Can't wait until they're delivered. And then "Ms. Dez" came over to play with the kids and DH and I went out to see a movie and then hang out at a great book store.

Sunday - Spelled out what I wanted for Mother's Day, so I wasn't disappointed. The kids brought me breakfast in bed and gave me a new necklace. I got to sleep in and then go to work for the last day of Sunday School. I had some time alone in the house in the afternoon to clean, and then we all went to my parents' for a BBQ.

Monday - I started Weight Watchers Online.

Tuesday - Two playdates: in the morning a friend came over and we let the kids paint masterpieces in the dining room. They stayed for lunch. In the afternoon we went to a new park (new for me) that was amazing! Loved it and can't wait to go back.

Wednesday - Got to the gym for the second time that week - go me.

Thursday - Two playdates: a breakfast recipe exchange/book club playdate for the MOMS Club in the AM and a pizza dinner playdate for Mothers and More (yes, I love belonging to both clubs!). I decide that it is absolutely unfair that weight loss is determined by what you put in your mouth, and not by what you pass up. On this day alone I exhibited TREMENDOUS self-control and did NOT eat: a doughnut (even though it was my favorite kind, the twisty French cruellers with white icing), French Toast Bake (with loads of butter and sugar and looked incredible), a quiche, an egg "puff" (don't even know what that is, but anything with "puff" in the name has to be good), more than one slice of incredible veggie pizza (I stuck to one slice and cut it into thirds so I felt more satisfied. Wouldn't say that worked perfectly, but at least it took me a little longer to eat.), an ice cream sundae (even though I scooped out the ice cream for everyone else. I think I should have lost five pounds just for what I avoided on this day!

Friday - We tried a "Getting Dressed Race" this morning that seemed to work fairly well. I had to go in several times in various stages of dress to encourage the boys to keep going, but ultimately they did get dressed on their own. Today I planned to go to a park with the girls in the morning, but it's raining, so I guess we'll stick around the house. That's probably better since I have a bunch of laundry to do. At "Bim Bam" (the preschool lunchtime Shabbat program we do, thus named for the opening song we do) we will be doing an easy project, learning a song called "Thank You, God" and then drawing pictures of different things that we want to thank God for (the sun, our family, trees, etc.). And then DH will be attempting to take the three kids to dinner on his own and then back to his school for them to watch the cabaret with him, all so I can go to the special Shabbat service tonight honoring teachers. Isn't he great?

Okay, that was my week. Now on to the rest of today!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things R wishes she did last night

1. Put the laundry in the dryer.
2. Cleaned off the crumbs from the dining room table.
3. Completely finished putting away the paints that we used on TUESDAY!
4. Got the kids' breakfasts made and ready for them to take out of the fridge.
5. Cleaned off the counters in the kitchen.
6. Finished picking up all the toys in the playroom.
7. Sorted through the stuff that I had put back into the laundry room to make some room for my painting playdate on Tuesday.
8. Picked up the papers of mine that the kids had spilled on the floor.
9. Cut up the cantelope that I am bringing with me to Book Club this morning.
10. Made the kids' sandwiches for lunch today.
11. Cleared off the buffet of the papers from yesterday.
12. Ran a vacuum quickly over the floor in the living room and dining room (I can't wait for my Shark's replacement part to get here!).
13. Got to bed by 10.

Okay - time to get moving!!!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I'm tired.
When I get tired it's hard to focus, it's hard to stay on top of everything that I need to to do, it's just hard.
And I do this to myself.
Every time.

I stay up to late. I get sucked into so many night time shows. I really like them; they're a great stress reliever for me, a fabulous way to decompress. But they're on too darn late! And so I stay up too darn late.

Does anyone out there have tivo? Know how much it costs, or what exactly it is? I have to figure out a way to quit this cycle. I know the obvious answer is to not turn the tv on at all, but I really like watching these shows!


Tried something new with the boys last night and this morning that worked wonderfully! Don't know how long it will work, but it's working for now . . . I told them that if they had their pajamas off by the time I finished making my bed I would be very surprised, so don't do it! They of course ran giggling into their room, stripped, and came back in shouting "Surprise!" I went along with it by falling on the bed in shock. They think this game is the funniest thing EVER. So it's working. I even used it to get A to clear his breakfast dishes. I'm getting a little tired of hearing "Surprise!" but am thrilled that I found something that works. Oh, and Marj? I can always use reminders and bits of info - you know way more about PDD than I do! (Check out my comments from yesterday's post about this topic if you don't know what I'm talking about.) I guess I still feel like I'm kind of in denial since we have no diagnosis yet and won't until the summer at the earliest.

Hosted a painting playdate here yesterday and had two moms just not show up - no calls, no e-mails, nothing! Luckily one mom did come with her two kids. It's ALWAYS easier to do a project with another adult there! I finally had to stop the Picassos when I ran out of counter space to put the masterpieces to dry. The house STILL reeks of the paint. I'm glad it's going to be nice out today so I can air out the house some more. Met up with some moms at a new park yesterday afternoon. The kids had a great time (as did I) but they had the most fun when they discovered the port-a-potty. Oh, my, all the potty trained kids had to take two long turns each. I could barely pull them away!

J and DN-A are playing on the floor next to me. J has been hitting and pushing a lot, and are main response has been that people are not for _____ but the floor or the pillow or the chair or whatever is okay to _______. She was pushing DN-A to get him to move, so I reminded her that people are not for pushing but she could push the floor if she wanted. She immediately took her hands off her cousin and put them on the floor. After a few moments, she looked up at me and as earnestly as a two year old can muster, told me, "It's not moving!" No, the floor won't move when you push it. :)

Okay, here's the tough part with coordinating schedules. DN-J is starting to get tired and fussy on my lap. If I just had her, I'd put her down for a nap right now. But in about 35 minutes or so I'm going to get all the kids out the door so I can drop the boys off at school and then take J and DN-J to the gym. DN-J won't nap at the gym because of the noise. So she ends up staying awake, not too happy, while I work out. I guess if I could get her to go down for a nap in her car seat right now, I could (in theory) transfer her to the car with no problem. So I'll try that, but I doubt it's going to cut it for her. We'll see! Any other suggestions, please let me know!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


We've been working on the boys getting dressed independently recently. By we I mean me,of course, because the boys are going along with the idea dragging their feet and kicking and screaming (I know, I know, they can't drag their feet AND kick them, but you know what I mean). I've been trying the "beat the clock game" where I set the timer for two minutes and encourage them to get their pajama tops off and their new shirts on before the timer goes off (I've giving them plenty of time to ensure success). When I told my sister about this she quickly started using it with DN-A. I'm happy for her, but it's a little (ha!) frustrating to hear how DN-A now is able to get dressed completely independently if she lays the clothes out for him. Woohoo. Good for DN-A. Now back to my kids who are a full year older: we had a couple days that went well. And now they're not. A today totally shut down. "Take off your pajama top and put your shirt on." A began crying, "I can't!!! I need help!!!" He wouldn't even try. I tried encouraging, I tried threatening, I tried complimenting his brother who already had his shirt on (not comparing, just focusing my attention on B), I even tried picking up his one hand, putting it on the sleeve, and pulling with him so he could get his arm out. He still kept saying that he couldn't do it. FINALLY I left the room for the second time (yes, I also had tried just walking out) and called back in for him to hurry and get his shirt on so I could give him a great big hug. That finally worked, and using that technique I could get him to dress himself, as long as he got a hug after each step.

After breakfast, the rule has been that the kids clear their breakfast dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Today A again became "helpless." I don't know where this is coming from!!! I finally directed him to get one piece at a time ("Go get your milk cup and put it in the fridge. Good, now go get your plate and put it in the dishwasher.") just as I would a child who has auditory processing difficulty, giving one direction at a time. I would say, aha, maybe that's part of his problem, except he has been clearing his dishes by himself for a while!

And then I have J who is responding no to every thing I tell her to do and hitting her brothers every chance she gets. She sits in time out every time she hits, and tells them she's sorry after her time outs, but that doesn't stop her from hitting them whenever she wants just for the fun of it.

I love my children, but some days I just want to go back to bed and stick my head under the covers and let them fend for themselves!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Back in the saddle again

I had applied to teach at the Writing Project Summer Camp (get to teach writing activities to kids who really want to be there - so much fun!) but didn't apply early and so they're not sure if they can use me (depends on enrollment). I was bummed about that until I just received a great phone call - someone calling me to sign up her son to be tutored by me twice a week this summer! She was given my name by someone else I tutored two summers ago - isn't that the best praise of all? That mom had e-mailed me to see if I could work with her younger son this summer. I e-mailed her back and am waiting to hear. PLUS the Temple has my name for Hebrew tutoring this summer. Tutoring is such a great way to bring in good money. And I love working with kids like this. I know I'm teaching my kids and all that, but it's nice to work with kids in areas that my kids aren't ready for. I hope I can get lots of kids for Tuesday and Thursday afternoons!

Okay, someone just woke up - have to run!

A weighty issue

I started Weight Watchers on-line today. I was trying to work on losing weight on my own, but I'm going in the wrong direction and my clothes are getting tight. So this is it. I like the on-line points calculator - makes things a lot easier than when I tried this years ago before I got pg with the boys. I feel ready. And I feel good about this. I have twenty-five pounds to lose, 17 to get to pre-pg weight. I am setting a goal of my anniversary (June 25) to have lost a decent amount of weight (I'd be happy with five pounds!) - if I do it, I'm buying myself a new dress to go out to dinner with DH. I never buy stuff for myself, so I think it's a good goal.

My head has been hurting again, so bad last night that I could barely get upstairs. Bad enough that I even tried calling upstairs for DH to help me, but he was sound asleep. Not fun. It's probably connected to the fact I haven't been to the chiropractor recently. I have to work that back into my schedule!

And that's all the time I have to post today. Gotta get my butt in gear so we get out the door on time.

Friday, May 12, 2006

My week in review

My week:
Sunday - Sunday School and then a faculty luncheon to discuss next year. Dinner at my in-law's.

Monday - J sick, so no gym. :( Lsat day of Hebrew School, so we had a party - woohoo!

Tuesday - Mom's surgery. Got up at 5 to go with my parents. Long day, but she made it through okay. Convinced DH to go to check out sheds in the late afternoon. We will be buying the shed and a pirate ship for the kids to climb on Saturday - can't wait!!

Wednesday - MOMS Club meeting (so again, no gym), then to Mom's to check in. In the afternoon I was actually able to get a little gardening done (I love that my kids play so great with our next door neighbors' kids and that the other kids are a little older and are able to kind of watch my kids enough so I can garden wihtout watching them every second of the afternoon!). Mother's and More meeting at night - fabulous time! We played "Mom Jeopardy" and even though my team lost by a hundred points, we still had a really good time (and, no, I'm not competitive at all, snicker).

Thursday - Hosted a playdate at a great park near us for Mother's and More in the morning, one mom could make it. Coincidently another mom from MOMS Club showed up. The other few moms that were there (all together) were so nice and everyone seemed to play together well so we moms could chat, in between helping kids on swings and off the merry-go-round.

Friday - S. came to play with J (and so I could watch her). Her mom was going out of town for the weekend. S. was fine at my house, but when we went to the Temple for "Bim Bam" (a weekly Shabbat Preschool program I run), her high school babysitter was there to take over watching her while we did "Bim Bam." Poor S. was in tears the whole time because she wanted Miss R! Totally hysterical until I let her sit with me. But then as the babysitter tried to do the project with her, she just kept crying that she wanted her mommy. When we told her that Mommy was away, she said she wanted me. She absolutely did not want the other babysitter. Nice to feel loved, but I felt so bad for her. Then I had to put the car seat in the babysitter's car and S. just had a fit - she wanted to come home with me! Her mom set it up so the babysitter was taking her home. If I knew she would react like this, I would have said that she could come home with me, but who knew? I feel bad, and hope she is napping now and not still screaming.

Tomorrow my sister and I are "giving" our mom our Mother's Day present early - we're working in her garden all morning. Since my mom isn't physically up for it, we're going to do whatever she wants - Mom points, we'll pull. In the afternoon we're heading out to the shed place to place our orders!! And then we have a babysitter coming so DH and I can go out. Yes!! Not even sure what we're doing yet, but we'll be doing it together. :)

And that's my week in review.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things R is Proud of

Since last week was all about the things that I used to be or still are self-concious about, I thought it would be nice to kind of do the opposite.

1. I got the kids' breakfast ready in the fridge yesterday, and encouraged them to take it out and set the table themselves this morning.

2. I came up with a new game to eventually get the boys to dress themselves independently - we tried it for the first time today.

3. The boys did not "win" the game and I stuck to the consequence: if they "beat the clock" they got to watch tv this morning, if they didn't, no t.v.

4. J, my two year old, potty trained before she turned two. I SHOULD have ONE that is easy! :)

5. A is reading already - blows me away every time he reads something new.

6. My boys are extremely polite and social.

7. J is catching up with them in both of those areas.

8. I did not volunteer to take over as co-leader at our Mothers and More meeting last night (it was tough keeping my mouth shut, but I did!).

9. I made the decision to not run again as president of my MOMS Club chapter, and I'm sticking with it.

10. I got through a lot of paperwork last week.

11. I finally pulled myself out of the indecision I was frozen in and decided which shed to buy - we're ordering it this weekend.

12. I relaxed myself enough with our money situation to allow us to also buy a pirate ship for the kids to climb on - they love it!

13. I remembered that it was Thursday and time to write my Thursday Thirteen all by myself!!!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Life lesson

Good things to know:

When your four year old tells you that he wants to give you a haircut, don't think he has forgotten the idea just because you told him no and thirty minutes have passed. And when he comes up behind you touching your hair AFTER making a comment like that, be sure to check his hands for the scissors.

I've been out of commission for the last couple days, which always throws me off. Sunday and Monday I had a bad headache due to an ear infection that I keep taking meds for and just does not go completely away. I started drops and a stronger antibiotic last night, so it's feeling a LOT better now. And today my mom had surgery for a rectal prolapse - yes, it is as nasty as it sounds. When she had the flu two months ago, she coughed so much that it caused this prolapse to happen. So it got fixed today. We had to be at the hospital at SIX in the morning! Yuck. But everything is fine now and I left an hour ago while she was still sleeping (my dad was there). I am quite grateful for my wonderful husband - he took the day off so I could spend the day with my mom and dad. That was quite a relief!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Friday Hodge Podge

I've got a great husband. I called him at work yesterday and told him I need a big favor. He was coming home at 5 - I told him I needed him to take over completely then. The paperwork monster has been kicking my butt, so I just needed to grab it up and take it out and go through it somewhere with no interuptions. He agreed.

So at 5 I was out the door. I stopped at a burrito place (didn't even know one existed!) and got a veggie burrito (hot but good) and got to eat while I read a free city paper without having to bargain with anyone to eat just one more bite. Aaaahhhh. Then I headed to Borders where I proceeded to go through every single piece of paperwork I had. What a sense of satisfaction. I now have a list of about 10 things that I need to do over the phone or on the computer today, but all the bills that aren't paid automatically with my bank are now organized and paid; I put them in the mail today. And I feel great!

B woke up sick today, so I had to cancel the babysitting I was going to do this morning and the plans we had for today so I could keep him home. He has a relentless cough, so I knew it was only a matter of time before he threw up and felt better. Even though he had been carrying a bucket around with him, he managed to wait until he started his nebulizer treatment, so it got all over the mask and the couch and his pants. Lovely. Luckily we have another mask. We got most of a treatment in him - he had to keep pulling the mask away to cough, and once to throw up again. But now his coughing is not as frequent and he clearly feels better. But my point is, we're stuck around the house this morning - the perfect opportunity to get all the rest of the "to do" things that I listed while doing the paperwork done and to file the rest. I might actually end the day with an EMPTY to do box. Ha - take that, Paper Monster!!!

Yesterday I was playing with J sideways on my lap, lifting her into a sitting position and then back into a laying position. While laying in the crook of my arm, she looked up at me and said, "I want to nurse." This blew me away. This is the girl who self-weaned seven months ago and never really seemed to miss it. And now she's asking to nurse? Where is this coming from and what should I do? After repeating her question back to her to buy me some time, I cuddled her to me and rocked her in a nursing position. I started describing to her about how when she was very little I would hold her like this to nurse her, and I would look her in the eyes, just like this, and stroke her hair, just like this, and she would put her hand up to my face, just like this. That seemed to hold her for a while and we started playing again. But within a few minutes she pushed herself back into that position and asked to nurse again. Not really knowing where I was going with this, I started describing what nursing actually meant and that my breasts don't have milk in them anymore, but I could hold her like this and rock her anytime she wants. That seemed to satisfy her (for which I'm very grateful!).

At this point B spoke up. He was lying on his back next to us, and for the first time I noticed that he had his shirt pulled up and J's baby up to his chest. "I'm nursing the baby," he proclaimed.

"Yes, you are!"

"Well, not really," he explained, "Because my breasts don't really have milk in them."

Yes, B, THAT'S the only reason why you're not really nursing. Let's just go with that.

Okay, I have to get "Coughing Boy" up to my room so he can watch a video that he can never watch when A is around because it scares A. Then I'm off to tackle the rest of the paperwork. Empty box, here I come!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

I can't believe that I totally forgot it was Thursday, and thus time to write the Thursday Thirteen. I already wrote another post that I really want people to read (right below this), so since my head is still in that topic, my thirteen will go along with that.

Thirteen Things R is/used to be self-conscious about

1. Weight (I'm working on it now but I'm well aware that I have twenty pounds to go - it was so much easier when I was anorexic and just didn't eat) (That was a joke!)
2. My hair (see other post for today)
3. Facial hair
4. My bikini line! (hence never wearing regular bathing suits)
5. Things I say
6. The cleanliness/cluttered state of my house
7. My athleticism (or lack thereof)
8. My stomach
9. My thighs
10. My backyard
11. The weeds all around my house
12. My clothes
13. My financial status

Can you guess which things go in the "used to be" category?

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Hair Care and Time Travel

I went out with my hair up yesterday.

Most of you reading this are probably thinking, "So what?" And I know, for most people, this is not a momentous occasion. For me, it's huge.

I have rarely put my hair up, or even put a barrette in it. I have always been incredibly self-conscious with the way I look. If I couldn't get my hair absolutely perfect, I didn't want to do anything with it. I didn't want to make it look like I spent time on it for it to end up looking like crap. I figured it would draw more attention to it if I had something in it; at least if it was just hanging down, it would just look like I didn't care. Even as I write it I can't get my thoughts to come across clearly - I know it's a totally messed up way to think. But this is why I rarely wear makeup or do anything with my hair. I know it's the perfectionist in me: "If I can't make it look perfect, I'm just not going to do anything at all." But this is the way I've lived my life.

It used to be worse.

In high school, I had a job working at a summer camp as the music and drama counselor. I had free time that I could use the pool if I wanted. Please. I couldn't even bring myself to wear shorts. I was so painfully aware of the fact that even with freshly shaven legs, you could still see the hair follicles (the curse of dark hair) on my leg. And don't even get me started about my bikini line. I STILL can't wear a "normal" bathing suit. But I used to wear jeans every day. And it was HOT!! I just couldn't bear allowing others to see my legs, so I opted instead to be beyond uncomfortable all summer long. And what a long summer it was.

So yesterday, sweating as I ran around the house getting the kids ready for school, I pulled out a clip, grabbed my hair into a ponytail, twisted it around and secured it to my head. Every half hour or so, my bangs would fall out enough to make me do the whole thing over again. Not once did I feel compelled to check it out in the mirror. It was up, it was off my neck, it was fine. I even went out to run a few errands like that and worked in the backyard.

It made me think back to how I used to be, so hyper-aware of what everyone else might think that I could barely function. I got pretty good at putting up a front with people that I knew, afterall, I am an actress! But rarely was I able to relax and be comfortable, to be myself. I'm happy with my life now, but sometimes I get to thinking about what my life could have been like if I was able to go back to the girl I was then and tell her what I know now. I'd tell her that most people don't even notice the things that I'm so self-conscious of, that even if they did - who cares?!! I would tell her to relax and stop trying so hard to fit in, that it's more important to just be happy. I almost wish I could relive some of those times again, but as I am now. It would be such a different experience, I think.

How about you? Would you relive any of it, if you could? Or would you go back and give your younger self a "talking to" if you could? What would you say?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My Social Butterfly

I came downstairs from putting the three youngest down for a nap, having left A and B playing with their cars, to find the boys lying on the couch with the t.v. on. "We started quiet time on our own, Mommy," B explains, "because all the playing just tired us out!"

Another B-ism: "We can't make red because red is one of the crime-berry (primary) colors."

Yesterday was a beautiful day and we spent the morning at a fenced in park - doesn't get much better than that. A was at his most social. He went up to every adult he saw and told them his name and pointed out who his brother is and who his sister is and his cousin and baby cousin. I had to keep reminding him that we don't tell everybody where we live - who's bright idea was it to teach him that?!! He went up to one woman, grabbed her breasts, and stated, "You have breasts like my mommy. Are your breasts private?" Obviously our discussions about private parts needs to be reviewed. Luckily, the woman thought it was funny and came over to tell me all about it, laughingly telling me that she couldn't wait to tell her husband. And he also gave almost every adult there a hug. All of this is adorable, and makes everyone comment on how cute he is, but it makes me really nervous. He just doesn't understand boundaries at all, and I'm just having trouble getting his to see that it's not okay to share all of our personal information with total strangers, how it's not safe to hug people that we don't know, how he shouldn't touch other moms' breasts. And I just cannot wait to get the evaluations underway!

My job today, after I finish posting this and get the laundry in the washer, is to find out what the exact timeline is for when the IU legally has to get everything accomplished. Once I have the specific info, I'm calling them up. I was told 40 days to get the ball rolling, but I want to verify that before I call them. I waiting for the intake paperwork from DuPont (a children's hospital in this area) so I can have him evaluated by a developmental pediatrician. I just want to have this part done so I can get therapy started for him and can learn some new strategies with him.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Little Dictator

I love my nephew. I really do. And I'm sure what I hear from him is typical sibling stuff. But since my guys don't do this (or don't do this yet, I don't know) it's really hard to hear.

"My daddy's birthday is next and when it comes you are NOT allowed to help unwrap his presents. You can't help! I can, but you guys can't help."

"No, J, you can't do it like that, J, you have to do it THIS way." (She's eating breakfast)

"This is my watch. You guys can't touch it!"

"These are MY raisins. My mommy packed them for me to eat. You guys can't touch them and you can't eat them. They're MINE! Okay, you can each have ONE, but no more! (Understand that none of my children have even said anything about his raisins, and barely even noticed that he was eating raisins until he started saying they can't have them.)

He's at a stage right now where he contradicts everything.
A: These raisins are juicy!
DN-A: No, they're not!

B: I'm going to sit here.
DN-A: No, you're not!

Me: The sky is blue.
DN-A: No, it's not! (Okay, so I made up the last one, but I bet if I started talking about the sky color, I would be wrong once again!)

My sister tells me that I should just ignore it, that I don't need to address everything he says. That makes sense, to a point. Sometimes the stuff that he says makes my kids cry, like when they ask me if they can have another sandwich and he tells them that they're not allowed. At times like that I stress to them that DN-A doesn't make the rules, that only Mommy makes the rules. That seems to help, but I feel like I'm saying that four - five times a day.

I feel like I'm nit-picking. I mean, DN-A is a great kid - he has a wonderful imagination, lots of energy, he's gorgeous, he has the most infectious laugh - but hearing him say "no" to every statement that anyone makes is driving me nuts!

Okay, I'm done venting.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Go me!

I got SO MUCH accomplished yesterday! I did a clean sweep of my whole laundry area, including the large cabinets above the washer and dryer. They were filled with all kinds of paper goods - can't believe how many plastic utensils we had! Not only was I able to fling enough so I could have some free shelf space, I managed to clear off some stuff that we don't use that much from the top of my kitchen cabinets, stuff that contributed to the cluttered look that I hate, and put them in those cabinets. I was even able to clear out and organize the pots and pans cabinet that was always impossible to get into. It looks great now!!! I seriously am finding excuses to open up the cabinets and peer inside.

I also managed to shred a ton of papers that I've been saving up - I love my new shredder! :) It gives me such a perverse sense of accomplishment that I filled two trash bags with shredded papers.

I guess my sister is bringing DN-A to school today since she's not working today. I need to get my guys ready and then J and I are off to the gym. Yes, I was all prepared to use yesterday's walk as an excuse to not workout today. But I still feel great - so no excuses!!