Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Down in the dumps still

I'm down.

Just can't get over this funk.

I walked with my sister this morning. Exercise is supposed to help increase endorphins, make you feel good. And it did at the time.

But by the time I got home I felt ready to cry. No particular reason. The house is messy, but it's been worse. Maybe that will help.

But after trying to get over this on my own for a while, I'm going to talk to the doctor about upping my dosage on my anti-depresion medication.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you, Rachel.

Perky said...

Awwww.... Rachel..... {{{{hugs}}}}. This will pass. Keep on doing what you're doing and taking care of yourself. Check with your doctor, keep exercising, and eating right.

Something that's helped me in the past is to keep a list of things I'm looking forward to. It could be an event (end of school party) or just a situation (lightning bugs).

If you feel like a playdate, let me know! We'd be happy to meet you at a park or playground for a picnic dinner!

Domestic Goddess said...

I hope this passes. I am glad you are calling the doc. Keep the exercising. Don't worry about the housework, it will ALWAYS be there. If there is one thing I've learned to ignore the past year it's housework! I mean, it gets done but I don't dwell on it anymore...
Need a chai tea date this week?

2Forgetful said...


DEHausfrau said...

Hang in there Rachel... If you can make it to BC on Friday, I'll get you a chai...