Saturday, May 26, 2007


I'm jumping back on the Flylady bandwagon. Inspired by Mommy Brain, I'm going to start over by using the beginner babysteps. Luckily so many of the steps have already become ingrained habits, so for those, I will just acknowledge and move on to the next step.

Anyone interested in joining me on my journey? Leave a comment to let me know how you're doing. I would love to have friends accompany me along the way. I highly recommend the process. And my house right now is crying out (or is that just me) for me to do something about the chaos. So here's my answer: shine my sink. And clean off the counters in the process.


mama k said...

I've been working on getting back to FlyLady these past couple weeks. I'm so discouraged to start over with the baby steps though. (Especially since I never made it all the way through the first time.) However, like you said there are several that I do anyway so I suppose it would be easier this time around.

mama k said...

PS That means I'm joining you. I forgot to mention that.