Sunday, January 08, 2006


J is sitting on the floor next to me with her new nesting cups, counting each one, "One, two, fifteen, thirteen, twenty, five, six . . ." She cracks me up.

I got to spend all day yesterday scrapbooking. It was wonderful! DH had the kids all day. He's so great. :) We started the day all together by going to breakfast at "Old McDonald's." The kids are just convinced that the restaurant is named after the man in the song. We decided that it was the most money we ever spent for the worst food we ever ate. Blech! The pancakes tasted like styrofoam. Oh well, it was still a special treat, and the kids loved it. After that DH went with the kids to a couple bookstores and I went home, packed up my stuff, and was off. A friend of mine gets us access to her church the first Saturday of every month for us to crop. When a consultant sets that up, you have to pay anywhere between $5 to $25 just to be able to work. She gets us the space for FREE!!! I was able to do a power layout for all of 2004. My goal (and this may be crazy) is to: order all the digital pictures from 2005, finish the rest of 2004 (doing a few pages a week?), and then do power layouts of 2005 before my scrapping retreat the first weekend in February. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to finish that three day weekend (I'm so excited!) totally up to date. Then I could just scrap stuff as it happens.

To anyone reading: how do I include links to other blogs and websites on the side of this blog? I just can't figure it out, but am confident that one of you reading this can help. Thank you.

Okay, have to get the boys dressed (I dressed J before we came downstairs - she's wearing her first pair of tights in well over a year and as I put them on she was complaining, "Too tight! Too tight!"). J is now busy putting her puzzle letters in her cups and carrying each one in to give to the boys. She says she's "making cups." So I'm going to get the boys dressed, breakfast cleaned up, a load of laundry in, type up a quick newsletter for Sunday School, finish getting myself ready to go (shouldn't take long), and go to Sunday School to teach. When Sunday School is over for the day (two sessions - start at 9:30, done at 1) I will go home and clean (a WHB for you FLYlady fans) and plan out the week. The kids will be with DH at his parents. Ooo, here's incentive for me: if I can clean and plan quickly, I will have some time left over to scrapbook some, maybe to at least order the pictures of 2005. Nice.

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