Sunday, January 01, 2006

Still tired!

Okay, I was good - we went out for dinner with our great friends (Hi, N + B!), had a fabulous time while the kids all played at their house with a babysitter (woohoo!), got the kids in bed late, but still okay (had to keep J up a little later to give the coughing girl a nebulizer treatment), and DH and I were in bed by 10. We're okay with being lame. :) So why is it that even though I did that AND was able to sleep in until 8 (Thank you, my wonderful husband) I'm STILL TIRED?!!! ARGH! It might be connected to this stupid cold - anytime you feel like leaving me, I'd be really okay with it!

Anyway, I'm been busy this morning getting ready for my wonderful, hugely pregnant sister's baby shower. I know, Jews traditionally aren't supposed to have showers (all that superstitious stuff), but we're doing it anyway. We're just going to have it at my mom's house and keep everything there until the baby is born. I insisted on having one when I was pregnant with the boys (they were the first babies in the family and we needed LOTS of stuff!), but I was on bedrest by then, so we had it at my house with me camped out on the couch, having to waddle to the tiny laundry area where our makeshift commode was set up for me. We actually had to have two showers because the house was too small for too many people. And after both showers, all the presents had to be driven over to my parents' house at my mom's insistence. Funny. DS' shower is a diapers/meals/anything to make her life easier once the baby is born kind of shower, so hopefully she gets a lot of useful stuff. My mom and I planned out some games: charades with lullabies/nursery rhymes, pictionary with baby objects, a memory game with all kinds of kid/baby objects I found around the house. I made some of the appetizers this morning and will finish up over at my mom's in a little bit. Should be fun! It was kind of last minute (with the holidays and all the date just got away from us), so we had trouble getting people that could make it since so many people apparently go away for New Years - who knew?! I bought a ton of prizes at the dollar store - hopefully everybody gets in the spirit of things and has fun, otherwise I'm keeping them all!

I better finish getting ready and head on over to my parents' to start setting up for the shower. I'll blog about my non-resolutions or life goals tomorrow. There - I wrote it - now I have to do it!

Happy New Year!

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